Sunday, April 1, 2007

Passive v. Active

I know you've become accustomed to starting class with a blog entry, but today we're gonna mix things up just a little bit. Now don't worry. You'll still get to blog, but I've got something specific I'd like for this entry.


NaTasha said...

If I could ban one the thing from the world today it would be drugs. Drugs take over people's minds and causes a person to act unlike themselves. I feel that drugs aren't needed in the world unless to help save a person's life. Drugs should be taken away and used only for this reason or none at all.

psakelar said...

I think that today's society is too concerned with being politically correct. Everyone exaggerates about saying the wrong thing and offending others, or doing harmful actions towards their friends. I think the people who get offended by things so easily are just way too sensitive, and so what if their feelings are hurt; People could choose to not take statements so seriously, or fire one back at the person who offended them in the first place. People get caught up too easily in all of this junk, and they forget what is really important.

David Hayes said...

I would ban citizens over the age of 60 from having a license unless they pass an exam every 5 years. I have watched elderly citizens going the wrong way down a road multiple times like nothing is wrong. I feel that it would be safer for everyone involved for an occasional test to be administered to ensure that the person driving is still capable. A fatal car crash can be avoided by a simple occasional test of one's driving skills past a certain age.

nstoops said...

Politcal correctness hinders social growth, because many ground-breaking events are sparked only to be hidden or incapsulated by today's PC standards. Situations such as stem cells research define our nation's error to adjust to a new age while holding on too tight the the old.

keen2322 said...

If I could ban one thing, it would be smoking. Smoking can harm everyone, not just the one doing the action. Cancer can be caused by smoking along with many other different types of health problems. Smoking also has an effect on the people who are around the smoker. Second hand smoke is more deadly than actually doing the smoking.

Joe said...

If you could ban one thing, what would it be and why?

Given the opportunity, I would ban smoking. I do not smoke, and I do not see any benefits from smoking. Secondhand smoke is dangerous, and it can hurt people around the smoker, not just the smoker himself. Banning smoking would remove a staple outlet for teenage rebels, perhaps convincing them to act out in a different more positive way instead of through smoking.

There may be some benefits to smoking, I wouldn't know since I've never tried, but the benefits cannot outweigh the consequences. It is not a necessary function for life, and therefore it's removal would be satisfactional to many people.

sbreslau said...

I would ban trashy TV talk shows such as Jerry Springer or Maury. First, the shows are completely unrealistic. People throw chairs, fight one another, and cuss all for the sake of "good TV." Also, these shows send a bad message of what America stands for. Outsiders view the American people in a bad light because of them. These shows portray society as dirty, uneducated, and sleeping with everyone from their cousin's boyfriend to their girlfriend's grandmother. TV stations need to take these shows off-air for good.

bdhogg said...

If I could ban one thing, I would ban oil. Banning oil would force the country to come up with alternative fuels and actually implement them into our lives. We are to dependant on oil in our lives. The oil companies can jack up the prices and we would still buy oil from them. Though banning oil would create some chaios in the beggining, if we can get past that part our lives would be for ever better.

kzuchows said...

Today's society has a problem. it is trying too hard to make everybody happy. In life there will always be someone who will become offended in some way shape or form. I also belive that americans should understand this concept and not get all bent out of shape when some orginization or an individual says something along these lines. Life would be so much easier of those of us who take these issues too seroiusly just step back and chill out for a while and take a look at the big picture.

Chris said...

If I could ban one thing in the world it would be to ban the law forcing people to use earbuds if they want to talk on their cell phone while driving. It is just as dangerous as holding it up to your ear. People still do it anyways, even though it's a law. It is even more complicated to type the number then leave the phone on your lap and have to look down ti grab it when done. I dont believe it makes a difference.

thesandman87 said...

I feel that society is too concerned with being politically correct these days. You can't say anything without it hurting someone else, or supposedly offending someone in most cases. Everything everyone says has to be watered down and boring. We can't speak our mind without getting in trouble. If someone slips up and says the wrong thing, even by accident, they are automatically blasted by society. It shouldn't be that way. I do believe, however, that a person can still go a little overboard. But it's pretty obvious in most cases when that happens. The smaller things are what bother me.

Anonymous said...

If I had a choice, I would ban civilians from owning guns. This would definetely raise security issues amongst most, however, the number of annual deaths because of gunshots would be substantially reduced. Procuring illegal guns would be harder, and it would result in a safer world. They should be licenced to securtiy personel, police officers and other law enforcement agencies, as they have a need to use it the most.

Janelle said...

If i could ban one thing it would be smoking in restaurants. I do not enjoy having to inhale smoke fumes while eating. I'd much rather relax and enjoy my meal than spend the evening coughing and waving my hand in front of my face. People will be healthier as well if smoking is banned. More and more people are being diagnosed with lung cancer from second hand smoking nowadays than ever before. Some might say that smoking and non-smoking sections should be good enough, but i dissagree. Smoke won't confine itself to just the air on one half of the restaurant.

justin aka panda said...

I would ban the use of cps pads during chem lectures. CPS pads have no purpose to lecture other than to take attendance and give the lecturers time to do some of their business while we do the extremely hard or easy questions presented to us on the screen. I have had one CPS pad die on me, and countless times loose connection where many times it did not allow me to get back into the class, thus losing points that add up over time. If the students wants to come they will come, if they don't, the won't go to class. CPS is just a harsh way to get the people who don't want to come, and can at times penalize the people who come because they want to.

zhang118 said...

If I could ban one thing, it would probably be smoking. Cigarettes and other smoking products are polluting the Earth and slowly killing the smoker not to mention even people around the smoker. Smoking causes addiction to more smoking and health issues. Smoking is a nasty habit have to have and consumes large amounts of people's money each year.

nvester said...

Today's society is too concerned with being politically correct. People are focused on only what is the norm. There are many things that people shy away from because it is not politically correct, and therefore, things that could have been done or said are left undone and unsaid. If our society wasn't too concerned with what is politically correct, we would be a better nation. I mean, our forefathers weren't politically correct and look what happened there-we became a great nation. Things can be done in an easier, understandable way if we aren't politically correct. There have been many times when I have said something, and my friends have corrected me for not being politically correct; however, my ideas got across in an easier fashion.

cmccalli said...

I would ban insurance companies from controlling who gets what kind of medical care for how long.

Insurance companies are raping the sick and undermining the medical professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat them.

Insurance companies are only interested in the keeping their costs as low as possible, even if it means denying someone the medical care that they need.

jon said...

I would ban cell phones while driving. People are not alert while they are talking on cell phones, or using them to text message. Cell phones cause many preventable accidents each year. You should only use cell phones in your car when it is an emergency, and you should pull over to the side of the road. Other people do not deserve to be killed because of your irresponsibility. You can wait to hear what your friend is doing after you park your car. Put safety first.

ngahm said...
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ngahm said...

I think the government should ban old people from driving. They are just not as aware of their surroundings as they used to be. My grandparents are at that age when it is no longer safe for them to drive because of their weakened reaction times. They can not stay inside their lanes and ca nonly drive at a limited speed. It is a hard concept for them to grasp because it is taking away their freedom, but it needs to be done. I feel like I have to help them make every turn when I am in their car.