Monday, February 26, 2007

Examining Sources

Take some time to browse through this article, "Evicted from Wikipedia," from Slate and then write a response that discusses the benefits and consequences of using Wikipedia as a source in research papers. Be sure to cite specific examples from the article to support your reasoning.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Exploring the Language of Communities

Take a look at one of the two websites linked below. Read a little bit about them, observe the visual rhetoric of the site, and then answer the following questions.

1. What words or phrases do you see repeated over and over again? Why do you think they would repeat these same ideas?
2. Who is the target audience for the site? (and, of course, why?)
3. How do the images support the text of the site?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

National Rifle Association (NRA)

(Hint: To get the best overview of the organization, try reading the About, History, or FAQ pages.)

Monday, February 12, 2007


This may be hard to believe, but these are valentines. Choose one of them and use your image-reading skills to tell me about them. How does the image support the text? What do you think they say about their society? What is the tone of these valentines?

Text for "Shop Girl"

As the sidewalk you pass along, to and from work,
Your homely phiz wears a self-satisfied smirk,
For though you're as plain and ugly as sin,
Admiration you crazily think you can win.
You should know, when men smile, that they mean but to mock,
For they all say the sight of you gives them a shock.

Text for the Cad

Be a tough and insult
Respectable women
By your
Unwelcome attentions.
Try to be a

Monday, February 5, 2007

Seeing the Bigger Picture

This photo contains an argument based on assumptions. Using your skillful powers of observation, determine what that argument is and the assumptions upon which it is based. Remember to give supporting evidence to support your claim.